The PAX Fellowship

A seven-month fellowship for Christians of color ages 25-45 of virtual sessions that includes teaching, discussion, group mentorship, spiritual direction, contemplative practices, and community building for peace and justice.

The PAX Fellowship provides the following cohorts:

  • Community Organizers

  • Contemplative Activism and Spiritual Formation

  • Emerging Writers

  • Intermediate Writers

  • Justice, Advocacy & Policy

  • Poetry

  • Women in Ministry

  • Worship Leaders

*Each cohort consists of 5 - 17 Fellows.

Historically, as Christians of color, we haven't had the necessary access, resources, or mentorship to further our journey of faithful work in the world. At PAX, we're committed to changing that. Empowering you to fully flourish for peace and justice at the intersection of contemplation and development. The PAX Fellowship consists of expert facilitated cohorts to provide you mentorship, community, and networking opportunities to become all you were destined to be. 

The PAX Fellowship Details


Virtual gatherings: September 10, 2024 to March 18, 2025, twice a month for the duration of the program. Break during the month of December.

The live virtual sessions will take place on Tuesdays, 4pm-6pm PT / 7pm-9pm ET. You will meet with your facilitators and peers in these live sessions on September 10 and 24; October 8 and 22; November 5 and 14; January 7 and 21; February 4 and 18; March 4 and 18.

Upon acceptance, you will also be invited to schedule a one-on-one virtual meet up with our Executive Director, Tiffany Bluhm, for the purpose of getting to know you at your convenience between the months of June and August. Fellows will also meet one-on-one with Tiffany three times over the course of seven months.

Applications are due July 30th.


$150 payment due within 7 days of application acceptance. The true cost of the fellowship is $3,270 but generously subsidized by donors and grants to offer fellows a one-time tuition of $150.  

If finances prevent you from applying for the Fellowship, please indicate that within your application as we have some scholarships available to cover the one-time tuition of $150.

You’ll Receive:

  • Focused Teaching
    Learn from world-class experts in your area of focus.

  • Peer Learning + Networking
    Join others at your stage of life to shortcut the distance on your vocational journey.

  • Group Spiritual Direction
    Attend contemplative sessions for mental health and spiritual life.

  • Contemplative Curriculum
    Develop practices rooted in contemplative activism to ground your vocational development.

  • PAX Certificate
    Receive a professional certificate to add to your resume.