You are made for
PAX provides mentorship and instruction for Christians of color through the values of peace, justice, and contemplation.
The PAX Fellowship
Serving: Community Builders, Church Leaders, Creatives, and Contemplatives
The PAX Fellowship gathers the nation's justice-minded Christians of color (aged 25-45) at the intersection of peace, justice, and contemplation. This nine-month fellowship provides teaching, group mentorship, peer discussion, spiritual direction, contemplative practices, and experiential projects facilitated by world class faculty to foster God’s shalom and justice in the world.
Cohorts For: Writing, Poetry, Songwriting, Women in Leadership, Visual Storytelling for Social Impact, Spiritual Formation + Contemplative Activism.
Many organizations are missing the mark when it comes to promoting members of the BIPOC community to top leadership positions. Some analysts have concluded that a lack of mentorship is a key factor.
— Blue Level Training

PAX Fellows
We are currently serving 70 Fellows in our 2024-2025 PAX Fellowship Program from 26 states and 2 international countries.
During our inaugural 2023-2024 PAX Fellowship, 27 PAX Fellows completed the program.
The Impact of PAX
Resources Created
PAX provides justice minded resources by Christians of Color. We have elevated 73 voices of color.
States in the US
+ 2 International Countries
Between our first PAX Fellowship and our current PAX Fellowship Program, PAX will have impacted communities within 26 states and 2 international countries.